Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Autumn in Asheville North Carolina

My husband and I went on a trip to Asheville this past weekend. We went to visit a couple of old high school friends of my husbands. Friends he "found" again through facebook. Lady friends by the way!! While we were there we attended the Craft Fair of the Southern Highlands at the Civic Center in downtown Asheville. Love, love loved all the beautiful crafts. There was jewelry, woven clothing, pottery (my favorite), beautifully carved wooden objects, blown glass, handmade furniture pieces, and much more!! I ended up buying a piece of pottery. This time I went for a piece that was more utilitarian, but still a piece of art. It is a utensil holder for my kitchen. Of course I had to buy some of the beautifully crafted wooden spoons and ladles, from a different artist, to go in it.
If you have never driven through the Smokey Mountains in the fall you have missed a spectacle of enormous beauty!!! The trees, while not at their peek, were absolutely amazing. The drive from Atlanta took us up through the Nantahalla river area. Nothing like beautiful leaves falling into the rapids of the Nantahalla and rushing about on their journey downstream!! We stopped at one of the major rafting areas where there were gift shops, restaurants, and lots and lots of other people enjoying the great fall weather along with us!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March comes in like a lion!

Here it is only March 2nd and we are having a snowstorm in Georgia!!! I hope this means that March will go out like a lamb! I am so ready for spring to arrive.