Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Potter in Me

I'm really hoping to grow the potter in me. I have been working on it for two years now, part time, but still do not feel the confidence I need to create and not worry about perfection. Perfectionist, I have found, do not good potters make!! I will add a few pictures of my pottery and anyone who is a potter or a lover of pottery and has any input I would love to hear from you.


Sunday, September 20, 2009


Don't you just love fall? The cool air makes me want to make soup and get out my sweaters. Of course we have been having rain for the last week, so getting out and enjoying the crispness is not in the forecast right now. But, cuddling up with a good book or watching a much loved old movie certainly are on the agenda. Have a great early fall day where ever you are!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

It's interesting how one must labor on Labor Day in order for others to enjoy the day. That is most true for women. We make holidays special with the food we make and the effort we put into planning the days activities. Today was a wonderful Labor Day holiday! It was filled with family, fun, and as always great food!!

I hope anyone who reads this had a wonderful day as well!!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Searching for Something

I went shopping today. I had wanted to go to a store near me called "The Classy Flea". It had been mentioned in another blog I follow called "Between Naps on the Porch" and it sounded so enticing I made a special trip to check it out. It was everything I had imagined! All sorts of bric-a-brac, dishes, furniture, pictures, mirrors etc. etc.! It was set up in a maze like fashion so that there were lots of little nooks and crannies to slip into and spend time examining what was available. I saw several items I was interested in but I try to make it a habit to give myself time to reflect on whether it is something I really need or just a moments fancy. Especially if the item is over twenty dollars!! So I ended up walking out empty handed.

The store is so popular that as I was leaving with nothing in my hands, but my purse, a lady who was just entering asked me how I managed to leave without buying something. Apparently that was something she seldom did. I thought that said a lot about the interest in this store. I will go back I'm sure and hopefully the two things I had my eye on will still be there. If not then I won't be crushed I know their inventory changes often and I'm sure there will be something else to dream about from the next visit!

I am not sure how to link to web pages so here are the addresses to the two blogs I mentioned:
"Between Naps on the Porch" (http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/)
"The Classy Flea" (http://aclassyflea.blogspot.com/)