Saturday, September 5, 2009

Searching for Something

I went shopping today. I had wanted to go to a store near me called "The Classy Flea". It had been mentioned in another blog I follow called "Between Naps on the Porch" and it sounded so enticing I made a special trip to check it out. It was everything I had imagined! All sorts of bric-a-brac, dishes, furniture, pictures, mirrors etc. etc.! It was set up in a maze like fashion so that there were lots of little nooks and crannies to slip into and spend time examining what was available. I saw several items I was interested in but I try to make it a habit to give myself time to reflect on whether it is something I really need or just a moments fancy. Especially if the item is over twenty dollars!! So I ended up walking out empty handed.

The store is so popular that as I was leaving with nothing in my hands, but my purse, a lady who was just entering asked me how I managed to leave without buying something. Apparently that was something she seldom did. I thought that said a lot about the interest in this store. I will go back I'm sure and hopefully the two things I had my eye on will still be there. If not then I won't be crushed I know their inventory changes often and I'm sure there will be something else to dream about from the next visit!

I am not sure how to link to web pages so here are the addresses to the two blogs I mentioned:
"Between Naps on the Porch" (
"The Classy Flea" (

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